JustinDupree's Journal

JustinDupree's Journal


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02:14 Sep 04 2011
Times Read: 594

I've had a very annoying day. I'm going to put it here. So hooray or something like that.

I got woken up at 7 AM by this stupid drunk guy asking for someone named Mattie. I responded that I don't know any Mattie thank you and I hung up. The stupid guy calls back again 10 minutes later asking for Matties girlfriend Becky. Uh, I just said I didn't know Mattie so why would I know his girlfriend? Since I was supposed to hang up signs for a yard sale today I stayed awake since I was supposed to get up at 8:30AM to do that. Well they didn't show up to pick me up and never called nor returned my calls when I attempted to contact them. So I didn't get back to sleep until 10 Am because this douche bag called back two more times asking for different people. Same guy, same number. And I never got to go earn my Ten bucks for hanging signs. *sighs* Go figure. Then I wake up and I find out that my stupid mom has invited someone to my cookout on Monday that I don't even know who isn't family or a friend of mine which kinda defies the purpose of a "family and friends" cookout I've been planning. Her excuse? "I want to fix him up with Marty." (my neighbors friend who is currently staying with her) great that's all fine and good fix them up together just don't fucking do it at my cookout. I'm not a match maker. I don't want people to come that I do not know. Ugh. Then if that isn't enough I find out that my sister is still here that she couldn't stay the night at the hillbilly's house (see my previous entries from like 2 months or so ago about the redneck who she may or may not like) and so she's bitchy. More stress for me.

Lately my mom and dad have been fighting like cats and dogs. She's talking divorce and he's not wanting any of that because he wants to work it out or something and it's like I don't want to hear you two fags bickering all night and day. I'm sick of it. Stfu people! Ugh so my mom told my dad his opinion didn't matter about what she wanted and if she wanted a divorce she'd get one regardless. So what. He tells me these things because I'm the only one who doesn't rip his head off for having 2 cents to put into an argument. My mom and my sister (and sometimes my brother but he does it less then the other two) give my dad shit for absolutely nothing. He can be sitting there listening to a cd and they tell him he's a dick for not listening to them yet when he has something to say they want no part of that. I guess I can relate to him because I've been through similar situations in my life and I know what it's like to love someone so much you want to work it out no matter how long it takes (here's looking at you baby) so yeah. I get him when it comes to caring like that.

About 8 years or so ago my dad had a friend who drank heavily. His name was Todd and my dad used to go over to his house to watch football games because he had a big screen and all the game channels. Great times for my dad right? Well Todd offered my dad a beer one time (my father hasn't drank since before I was born) and he declined. I guess he was proud of himself because he didn't take it and so he came home and told my mom. "Hey I turned down a beer today. Todd asked me if I wanted one" and she flips out "Oh, don't you dare drink while you're married to me! I won't have that shit in my life and if you so much as touch a beer I'll kick you out" blah blah blah. What a bitch right? I thought so too and even more so now because right at this very moment she's over at my neighbors drinking wine while the rest of them are downing a couple cases of Miller lite. Now usually I'm not one to voice my thoughts on being a hypocrite but this time I'm drawing the goddamned line. She lost a lot of weight my mom and since then she's acting like she's out of high school again. She's almost 51 years old she needs to act like it. And to top all of that off, right as I was typing my password here to log in to write about this stuff, my girl texts me. Awesome right? I know! So I leave the computer and go downstairs to the living room to text her. The more I thought about my mom though the more I got pissed and so I come back to my room and sit on my bed and without thinking I click the log in button (I don't get on here while talking to her and she doesn't either usually. It seems to cause problems with us) and what happens? She gets a text saying I'm on and even though I log right off she starts questioning me. (Yes, I know that's what you all would do, I would as well which is why I answered truthfully and told her what I had just wrote) only she didn't beleive me because the time of the text was off from what I said or something anyway point is she's making it a trust thing and it shouldn't be a trust thing it's about fact and the fact is I don't get on here much anymore. She should know that since she gets a text when I log in so who the hell would I be talking to? I don't even message the two people on my friends list anymore because I'm not here for long when I do sign in. I just don't. So it's all chaotic right now and I'm pissed and I want to take a walk but it's raining. Fuck it. I might take one anyway or something. UGH! FUCK ME RUNNING! AHHH! *throws an invisible Kamehameha wave against the wall* So that's the truth, the facts and the meat and potatoes of it. Baby, I'm sorry if I was rude or mean. I'm not trying to be. I'm just irritable. I DID just sign in on accident (except when I told you that was on purpose) and if you don't want to believe me then I don't know how to convince you. I'm being honest though. Anyway, I love you and I missed you today so if you don't text me later *kisses her lips and hugs her tight* I love you and I hope you sleep well. Night night my love. xoxoxoxoxoxo



03:10 Sep 05 2011

Geeeez, man, I'm real sorry that you have to witness all of their disfunction and put up with so much shit. It truly sucks and I hope that things around there lighten up for you soon. I also hope that you and your girly do well too. *hugs*

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